Designer 1 1/2 inch (40 mm) Wide Leather Canine Collar with Row of Vertical Plates
Spoil your pet with exclusive canine accessory! He loves you dearly and wants to give you his all. In return, you can give him something special - dressy walking equipment! Dogs are faithful creatures and they are ready to protect their owners under any circumstances. This web-page is showing you Handcrafted Decorated Leather Dog Collar combining great characteristics! This pet supply is a top quality product made to order by distinguished manufacturers. It has attractive look and well-thought design. The gear is accentuated by a row of vertical plates handset to stay in the leather forever. Amazing plates will emphasize your dog’s individuality.
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American Bulldog Collar Leathern with Proportional Vertical Plates
This dog collar boasts of outstanding workmanship. Also, it provides utmost comfort for the wearer. Conforming fit is guaranteed by this, one of the softest canine goods. Large canines are strong creatures that are hard to handle. With this leather collar you will manage to be in control of your pet. It is functionally fashionable accessory despite its decorated exterior. Moreover, if walking in our dog equipment your pooch will be a head-turner!
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Dog leather collar ideal walking wear for pets-fashionists -
Gorgeous plates made of nickel plated steel cover the straight leather strap
Key features of this Dog Collar: - Soft sturdy pure 100% leather
- Astonishing design
- Steel nickel plated buckle and D-ring
- Vertical nickel plates secured with rivets
- Extremely comfortable
- Made to order
- Easy adjustable
- Contains no chemicals
| Intended use of this Canine Collar: - Regular walks
- Obedience training
- Dealing with active and strong dogs
- Walking in style
Sizes available: | Available colors: - Black
- Brown
- Tan (natural color)
How to measure your Dog for good fit Collar:
Please be advised that:
- For buckle collar when you specify neck size we will make collar fit on central hole.
- There will be total of 5 holes and distance between each 2 holes is 1 inch (25 mm).
- For example: your dogs neck size is 20 inches (50 cm). Collar will fit on central hole at 20 inches (50 cm).
- There will be 2 smaller size holes - 18 inch (45 cm) and 19 inch (47.5 cm).
- There will be 2 bigger size holes - 21 inch (52.5 cm) and 22 inch (55 cm).
- There will also be tip of the collar after last hole about 2 inch long (5 cm).
- Those are handcrafted collars and some sizes will differ a little (not in significant way).
- 2 ply leather collars and padded leather collars are 1 inch bigger to make sure that it will fit your dog.
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D-Ring Strong Enough to Withstand Pulling Loads of Leashed Dog
Dear pet handler, today you can get very reliable dog equipment directly from maker.
To know how big our love for your pet you should read the following paragraphs:
When manufacturing this accessory we never forget who is destined to wear it. This dog collar is made of topnotch materials. The best quality natural leather was used to cut straight the leather strap from. This is soft yet durable leather. We oiled it for added flexibility and smoothness. Your dog‘s health will not be exhausted by the collar as its components contain no chemicals. The fittings are high quality as well. When duly treated natural leather will look as new after frequent normal usage.
Provide your pet with safe and comfortable walking or training accessory – get this leather canine collar for him / her. When having this item on your pet will feel comfy because the leather is gentle and the hardware is smooth. Even if his skin is sensitive it will not be rubbed by the wonderfully smooth polished surface from the inside of the collar. This pet accessory does not dig into the skin as its edges are rounded. Your dog will love this collar as much as we do.
This is the product that will serve you for years. The buckle, dee ring, and the plates are secured with high quality rivets. All the metal parts are corrosion resistant. But it is still undesirable for them to contact with water. Wipe the fittings with dry cloth after walking your dog with the item on in the rain. Genuine leather is not to be subjected to water either.
This canine collar is ideal for all big and giant dog breeds such as Amstaff, American Bulldog, Boxer, Bullmastiff, Bull Terrier, Cane Corso, Caucasian Shepherd, Doberman, Dogue De Bordeaux, English Bulldog, German Shepherd, Great Dane, Belgian Malinois, Mastiff, Newfoundland, Pitbull, Rottweiler, Saffordshire Terrier and other similar dog breeds.
Below you can see how this accessory looks on different dog breeds.
Please , while placing your order for this canine gear, inform us about your dog breed and we will gladly help you to choose the best size of the accessory for your doggie.
Check how our products look on the dogs - Pictures from Customers
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Rottweiler Dog Leather Collar will Make Your Canine's Appearance Prettier
Leather Cane Corso Collar for Regular and Occasional Walks
Take a Look at the Collar in 3D